quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016

The dog's choose

Yesterday I watched a scene that attracts my attention: A dog had followed a stroller and the man was throwing stones at the dog!  
I got sad, poor dog, I thought. What a stupid man though!
Usually stray dogs are needy; they are always looking for food or someone to feed them. I was almost crying when I had my mind changed.
Poor puppy? No! Poor man stead!
Although the dog’s life can be tough when they are abandoned, they became highly adaptive and intelligent. It makes them good fellowships.
In this case, poor that man, he lose the chance to get a friend!
Here in Brazil is common to see strollers or beggars living on the streets with a dog. But without so much food or confortable stuffs they are there as loyal soldiers.
Even if you quarrel with them, there is no space for hurt or spite, you just call its name, and there comes the happy dog wagging its tail.
To put it in a nutshell, in my opinion the dog is that choose  who will be its friend,and not the man that chooses them.